

参考 tnie/learn_xxx 中 coro 项目。

如果想看懂 asio 如何支持 co_await 的,想更细致地用好协程,就需要了解更基础(同时也是更复杂的)内容。


微软专家 C++ coroutines: Getting started with awaitable objects 开篇的陈述,比我的倾向更具说服力:

Coroutines were added to C++20, and Lewis Baker has a nice introduction to them.

特别推荐这几篇文章,作者写了 cppcoro 库,牛人!


对协程介绍时,先介绍 awaitable/awaiterpromise。学习笔记/摘抄,见 coroutine-a~c.md

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Coroutine Concepts

The compiler applies some fairly mechanical transformations to the code that you write to turn it into a state-machine that allows it to suspend execution at particular points within the function and then later resume execution.


Promise objects

The Promise object defines and controls the behaviour of the coroutine itself by implementing methods that are called at specific points during execution of the coroutine.

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What does the Coroutines TS give us?

The facilities the C++ Coroutines TS provides in the language can be thought of as a low-level assembly-language for coroutines. These facilities can be difficult to use directly in a safe way and are mainly intended to be used by library-writers to build higher-level abstractions that application developers can work with safely.

C ++ Coroutines TS 提供的功能可以被认为是协程的一种低级汇编语言。这些功能可能很难以安全的方式直接使用,并且主要旨在供库编写人员用来构建更高级的抽象,以便应用程序开发人员可以安全地使用它们。

Compiler <-> Library interaction

Instead, it specifies a general mechanism for library code to customise the behaviour of the coroutine by implementing types that conform to a specific interface. The compiler then generates code that calls methods on instances of types provided by the library.

它为库代码指定了一种通用机制,可通过 实现符合特定接口的类型 来自定义协程的行为。然后编译器调用 这些类型的方法 = 库提供的类型的实例的方法

There are two kinds of interfaces that are defined by the coroutines TS: The Promise interface and the Awaitable interface.

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Coroutines generalise the operations of a function by separating out some of the steps performed in the Call and Return operations into three extra operations: Suspend, Resume and Destroy.

比其他文章多描述了一个 Destroy 步骤,更准确。

Note that, like the Return operation of a function, a coroutine can only be suspended from within the coroutine itself at well-defined suspend-points.

请注意,就像函数的 Return 操作一样,协程只能在定义好的暂停点处从协程自身内部暂停。

Coroutine activation frames

With coroutines there are some parts of the activation frame that need to be preserved across coroutine suspension and there are some parts that only need to be kept around while the coroutine is executing. For example, the lifetime of a variable with a scope that does not span any coroutine suspend-points can potentially be stored on the stack.

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As I have mentioned in the previous posts, the suspend_always and suspend_never are types, that fulfill the Awaitable concept.

We can get the Awaitable object in two ways:

  • Direct creation of Awaitable,
  • Transformation of the object into Awaitable because of await_transform function.

co_await operator and Awaiter

The co_await operator is actually responsible for two things:

  • Forcing compiler to generate some coroutine boilerplate code
  • Creating the Awaiter object.

So first let’s have a look at how is the awaiter object is created. The co_await operator is responsible for the creation of the awaiter object. The co_await operator declaration is looked upon in the awaitable object and if it’s found this co_await operator is executed to obtain awaiter object. Otherwise, if the appropriate function is not found, then awaitable becomes the awaiter.

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std::future<int> foo();


If any of those keywords occur in the function, then it becomes a coroutine.

  • co_await
  • co_return
  • co_yield

So the operator co_await is a unary operator, which takes the Awaitable object as its argument.

Why do we need to define additional types?

So the object used to communicate with the coroutine is the object of the coroutine’s return type.


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虽然协程作为重要特性,即将进入 C++ 20,但仍然有很多人吐槽。

Main complaints were regarding the hardness to understand, lots of customisation points, and possibly not optimal performance due to possibly unoptimised dynamic memory allocations




The coroutines already exist in many programming languages, may it be Python or C#. Coroutines provide one more way to create asynchronous code. How this way differs from threads and why do we need a dedicated language feature for coroutines and finally how we can benefit will be explained in this section.

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  1. 蓝牙网络连接,什么作用?删掉或禁用有影响吗?
  2. 如何自动切换网关
  3. 将 共享目录从台式机移到笔记本中,使用网线已经没有带宽限制了。


Windows预先安装环境(英语:Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment),简称 Windows PE 或 WinPE,是 Microsoft Windows 的轻量版本。

关于装机的知识,通过 微PE优盘使用说明书 可以学习,虽然我们并不购买他家的优盘。以下摘录部分笔记。

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std::function<> 模板到底是什么? 可以简单理解为对应 C 语言中的函数指针。入参或绑定的参数如果是原始指针或引用时,需要特别注意其生存周期。


And maybe now you’re thinking “What’s a std::function object?” So let’s clear that up

boost::empty_value 的意义?


获得 std::function 对象

Lambda expressions

Constructs a closure: an unnamed function object capable of capturing variables in scope. 摘自 lambda

Function objects

A function object is any object for which the function call operator is defined. 摘自 functional

std::function,推荐查看其 Example

Class template std::function is a general-purpose polymorphic function wrapper. Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any CopyConstructible Callable target – functions, lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointers to member functions and pointers to data members. 摘自 function

需要强调的是 C++ 标准未对 std::bind 表达式的返回类型做出定义,其返回值并不对应我们熟悉的任何类型,但可以直接赋值给 std::function<>

std::function<int(int)> func = std::tolower;
std::function<int(int)> lamb = [](int a) { return a; };
std::string str("niel");
std::function<size_t(void)> bind = std::bind(&std::string::size, &str);
std::function<int(int, int)> object = std::plus<int>();
std::function<size_t(const std::string&)> p2mf = &std::string::size;

//std::function<size_t(void)> bind = std::bind(&std::string::size, std::ref(str));
//// 拷贝传参,请务必明白在做什么。also works, but str is copied
//std::function<size_t(void)> bind = std::bind(&std::string::size, str);


// ERR,末尾多余的 const 造成报错内容在千里之外
using SENDFUNC = std::function<void(CBD , void const * const , size_t ) const>;
using SENDFUNC = std::function<void(CBD , void const * const , size_t ) /*const*/>;


为什么 function<> 对象递归调用自身不能使用 auto?

vc2015 IntelliSence 提示

使用 auto 类型说明符声明的变量不能出现在其自身的初始值设定项中

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如何创建自己的 vector

预留空间 和 std::allocator

注意,我们并不对预留空间中的元素进行初始化。 p329



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