
异常 std::exception

查看 std::exception 的定义,除了析构函数,其他包括默认构造和拷贝构造在内的函数都声明为 noexcept

因为不允许复制 std::exception 抛出异常,故当派生类(例如 std::runtime_error )必须管理用户定义的诊断信息时,常将它实现为写时复制的字符串。

查看 std::logic_error 的定义std::runtime_error 的定义:

因为不容许复制 std::logic_error 抛出异常,通常将此消息在内部存储为分离分配的引用计数字符串。这也是构造函数不接收 std::string&& 参数的理由:无论如何它必须复制内容。

  1. 为什么 std::exception 拷贝构造不允许抛出异常?

    反证法。如果允许其构造抛出异常,异常又继承自 std::exception,还是直接崩溃更合理。

  2. std::logic_error 等以字符串为入参的构造函数是可能抛出 std::bad_alloc 异常的,为什么子类的拷贝构造不能抛出异常?


domain_error overflow_errorunderflow_error,并未用于数学函数中

mathematical functions report domamin/overflow/underflow errors as specified in math_errhandling.


  • logic_error 及其大部分子类:invalid_argument, domain_error, length_error, out_of_range
  • runtime_error 及其部分子类:range_error, overflow_error, underflow_error


  • 用于线程库的 future_errorlogic_error 继承;但
  • 用于正则表达式库的 regex_error 和用于格式化库的 format_error 又是从 runtime_error 继承;而
  • 用于 optionalvariantany 等类型的 bad_xxx 这些又是直接从 std::exception 继承
  • 在函数 std::stoi 抛出 out_of_range 的场景是不是更符合 range_error 的定义

又比如:length_errorrange_error 很像;invalid_argumentdomain_error 重叠;

C++ When to use which (standard) exception?

异常继承体系最初区分 logic error 和 runtime error 就过于理想,最终还是要 服务于具体的某个函数或库 才有意义。

以下表格 摘自,并修正错误

异常 描述
std::exception 该异常是所有标准 C++ 异常的父类。
std::bad_alloc 该异常可以通过 new 抛出。
std::bad_cast 该异常可以通过 dynamic_cast 抛出。
std::bad_exception 这在处理 C++ 程序中无法预期的异常时非常有用。
std::bad_typeid 该异常可以通过 typeid 抛出。
std::logic_error 理论上可以通过读取代码来检测到的异常。
std::domain_error 当使用了一个无效的数学域时,会抛出该异常。
std::invalid_argument 当使用了无效的参数时,会抛出该异常。
std::length_error 当创建了太长的 std::string 时,会抛出该异常。
std::out_of_range 该异常可以通过方法抛出,例如 std::vector 和 std::bitset<>::operator[]()
std::runtime_error 理论上不可以通过读取代码来检测到的异常。
std::overflow_error 当发生数学上溢时,会抛出该异常。
std::range_error 当尝试存储超出范围的值时,会抛出该异常。
std::underflow_error 当发生数学下溢时,会抛出该异常。


跨线程使用异常,优先使用 std::future,或者请移步 std::exception_ptr 类型。

定义 std::future 使用了后者;而后者就是为跨线程捕获异常新增的特性。


It reports errors that are a consequence of faulty logic within the program such as violating logical preconditions or class invariants and may be preventable.

No standard library components throw this exception directly


an argument value has not been accepted.

This exception is thrown by std::bitset::bitset, and the std::stoi and std::stof families of functions.


domain_error, that is, situations where the inputs are outside of the domain on which an operation is defined.

The standard library components do not throw this exception。和 std::invalid_argument 的区别?


attempt to exceed/超出 implementation defined length limits for some object.

This exception is thrown by member functions of std::basic_string and std::vector::reserve


attempt to access elements out of defined range.

It may be thrown by the member functions of std::bitset and std::basic_string, by std::stoi and std::stod families of functions, and by the bounds-checked member access functions (e.g. std::vector::at and std::map::at).


that is thrown on failure by the functions in the thread library.


It reports errors that are due to events beyond the scope of the program and can not be easily predicted.

Exceptions of type std::runtime_error are thrown by the following standard library components: std::locale::locale and std::locale::combine.


range errors (that is, situations where a result of a computation cannot be represented by the destination type).

The only standard library components that throw this exception are std::wstring_convert::from_bytes and std::wstring_convert::to_bytes.

template class std::wstring_convert is deprecated in c++17.


to report arithmetic overflow errors (that is, situations where a result of a computation is too large for the destination type)

The only standard library components that throw this exception are std::bitset::to_ulong and std::bitset::to_ullong.


to report arithmetic underflow errors (that is, situations where the result of a computation is a subnormal floating-point value)

The standard library components do not throw this exception.


to report errors in the regular expressions library.

tx_exception(TM TS)

can be used to cancel and roll back an atomic transaction initiated by the keyword atomic_cancel.


to report that an attempt was made to convert a nonexistent std::chrono::local_time to a std::chrono::sys_time without specifying a std::chrono::choose (such as choose::earliest or choose::latest).

This exception is thrown by std::chrono::time_zone::to_sys and functions that call it (such as the constructors of std::chrono::zoned_time that takes a std::chrono::local_time).

Ambiguous and nonexistent local times can occur as a result of time zone transitions (such as daylight saving time/夏令时).


to report that an attempt was made to convert a ambiguous std::chrono::local_time to a std::chrono::sys_time without specifying a std::chrono::choose (such as choose::earliest or choose::latest).

This exception is thrown by std::chrono::time_zone::to_sys and functions that call it (such as the constructors of std::chrono::zoned_time that takes a std::chrono::local_time).

Ambiguous and nonexistent local times can occur as a result of time zone transitions (such as daylight saving time/夏令时).


to report errors in the formatting library.


thrown by various library functions (typically the functions that interface with the OS facilities, e.g. the constructor of std::thread) when the exception has an associated std::error_code, which may be reported.


is thrown on failure by the functions in the Input/Output library.


is thrown on failure by the throwing overloads of the functions in the filesystem library.

std::uintmax_t file_size( const std::filesystem::path& p );
std::uintmax_t file_size( const std::filesystem::path& p, std::error_code& ec ) noexcept;


be thrown by std::optional::value when accessing an optional object that does not contain a value.


is thrown when a typeid operator is applied to a dereferenced null pointer value of a polymorphic type.


std::nullptr_t 类型很奇特,它不是指针类型。即 std::nullptr_t p = nullptr; 对变量 *p 解引用是错误的。


is thrown when a dynamic_cast to a reference type fails the run-time check (e.g. because the types are not related by inheritance), and also from std::use_facet if the requested facet does not exist in the locale.


be thrown by the value-returning forms of std::any_cast on failure.

和类型 std::any 相关


thrown by the constructors of std::shared_ptr that take std::weak_ptr as the argument, when the std::weak_ptr refers to an already deleted object.

优先使用 std::weak_ptr<T>::lock 避免上述异常。


thrown by std::function::operator() if the function wrapper has no target.


thrown as exceptions by the allocation functions to report failure to allocate storage.


thrown as exceptions by the new-expressions to report invalid array lengths.


thrown by the C++ runtime in the following situations:

  • If std::exception_ptr stores a copy of the caught exception and if the copy constructor of the exception object caught by std::current_exception throws an exception, the captured exception is an instance of std::bad_exception.


thrown in the following situations:

  • std::get(std::variant) called with an index or type that does not match the currently active alternative
  • std::visit called to visit a variant that is valueless_by_exception